Nevada Turquoise Mines



Royston Mine
Royston Turquoise Bracelet by Leo Dawes
Royston Turquoise Bracelet by Leo Dawes

The Royston mine is located near Tonopah, Nevada and produces high quality stones, ranging from a 5-6 on the natural hardness scale. Royston Turquoise is valued for its vibrant natural blue and green hues that swirl and blend together with a golden brown matrix. Often one stone or cab will have both sky blue and green fading together, a characteristic that has made the mine famous. The Royston mine has been operating for over 60 years and is made up of what used to be four smaller Turquoise claims named Bunker Hill, Easter Blue, Oscar Wehrend, and Royal Blue. Over the years the Royston mine has supplied Turquoise to some of the top jewelry manufacturers in the world. Because of its colors, Royston Turquoise is often set in Gold. It is sought after by the best artists and has a place in the Turquoise top five with Kingman, Bisbee, Boulder Mountain, and Sleeping Beauty.

Ajax Mine

Ajax Turquoise
Ajax Turquoise, Blue and Green
Ajax Turquoise
Ajax Turquoise

The Ajax mine is north of Tonopah, Nevada in the Royston area. The turquoise ore is found in veinlets and nodules. Ajax turquoise is mostly light blue often with darker blue veins and blotches with a greenish cast. Also common in attractive mostly dark green with lighter greens and blues in the same stone with patches of golden to dark brown webbing.













Apache Mine

Apache Turquoise Bracelet

Apache Turquoise produces a blue/green Turquoise, and a recent vein has produced a beautiful Green Turquoise with a tight black spiderweb. This is nice hard material. A small operation.

Basalt Mine

The Basalt Mine produces a beautiful dark blue turquoise with a distinct brown matrix. This mine is located in the Candelaria District. Most of this turquoise forms in a quarts host rock. Most of this turquoise comes in thin vein. Very Rare stuff as this was a small mine and is no longer in operation.

Blackwidow Mine

Blackwidow Turquoise

The Black Widow is a small mine in northeastern Nevada. It is another example of a Nevada “hat mine” which refers to a mine so small that it can be covered with a hat. Other examples of hat mines include Lander, Godber, Paiute, and perhaps Damele.

Black Widow turquoise is usually an attractive and unusual light mint green color with thin webbed and spiderwebbed black chert matrix. Mined primarily in the form of small nuggets, most Black Widow cabs are relatively small with most cabochons under 15 carats. While collectable, this mine does not produce enough turquoise to be a significant source of material for the jewelry market.

Blue Boy Mine/Milkyway Mine

This Mine is now known as Candelaria and produces the finest spiderweb deep blue turquoise you have ever seen! Blue Boy produced what is popularly known as Variqouse or a mix of Variscite and Turquoise, which is usually a beautiful mix of forest green, brown, and blue with a dark brown-black spiderweb matrix.



Blue Creek Mine

The Blue Creek Turquoise Mine is located in the Candelaria Hills mining region of Nevada. This mine produces a beautiful blue-green spiderweb turquoise and varascite in large vein and wafers. This mine shares a mountain side with the Otteson's Broken Arrow mine. We particularity like the blue with white spiderweb material this mine produces.



Blue Diamond Mine

Blue Diamond Turquoise

A Rare deep blue Turquoise producing mine in Nevada, Blue Diamond was mined mostly in the 60s and 70s. You don't see much of this great stuff around anymore. It is dark blue with a black matrix of dendrites and triangle shaped black chert. The blue alot of times is a swirling of two dark blues,.. it is stunning.

The Blue Diamond mine, located in central Nevada, opened in the late 1950's and was mined up to 1980. This mine is considered a "hat mine" of which there are very few. A hat mine is a small deposit of turquoise that looks a great deal like Stormy Mountain turquoise because of its black smokey matrix. This stone features dark smoky swirls with brilliant blue windows. The characteristic black chert is ever-present

Blue Eagle Mine

Cutler Edgar had a very sharp eye and dug for the top grade . He bought this Mine along with brothers Willis and JW Edgar in 1940 . It was close to Tenabo, Nevada and produced only a small amount of spiderweb from 10 years of mining.



Blue Gem Mine

Blue Gem Turquoise Blue Gem Turquoise

The Blue Gem mine is located near Battle Mountain in Lander County, Nevada. It has produced an enormous amount of turquoise since its discovery in 1934. Blue Gem has produced some of the most brilliant blue stones in the `southwest along with superb blue-greens and greens. Cabochons range from completely clear to webbed with a tan to brown matrix with some spiderweb. Some of the clear blue stones have a noticeable depth of color meaning one can look deeply into the blue and have the sense that there is no bottom.


Blue Gem occurs in both thin veinlets and in nugget nodules. Often the thickness of the turquoise in the vein is so thin that the stone absolutely must be backed in order to cut into cabochons. In those cases, the resulting thin layer of turquoise against a thicker layer of backing material can look so thin that one wonders if he is buying turquoise or backing material. This can happen whenever a turquoise occurs in very thin veinlets in the hostrock.


Blue Gem colors range from light or dark sky blue to a magnificent unique blue green and to a dark “military” green. When the dark green Blue Gem occurs with a tan limonite matrix, it can be difficult to differentiate from similarly webbed dark green Royston or Easter Blue. Further, occasionally the dark green stones have adjacent white areas which are also almost identical to similarly colored Royston. Such overlapping of appearances or “looks” between mines make it impossible to be certain of the specific source of a particular stone. At best, such a stone may be limited to two or three possible mines of origination.



Blue Ice Mine

Blue Ice Turquoise is from a new find discovered last year by a prospector named William Murdoch, here is what he said "I found this near Yerington, Nevada and named it partly because it looked like blue ice and partly because I had to break through a layer of ice to get to it."



Blue Jay Mine

Another beautiful blue Nevada Turquoise mine, located in the Battle Mountain region. This mine produces nice big nuggets of blue turquoise similar to Fox, or big spiderweb vein with a brown matrix.



Blue Medicine Mine

One of the Edgar's projects. Produced a fine spider web matrix turquoise, very high-grade and very rare. Almost a varacite clarity to this stuff.



Blue Moon Mine

Blue Moon Turquoise

The Blue Moon turquoise mine is in the highly productive turquoise mining area northwest of Tonopah, Nevada. It has long been owned and operated by individuals who only worked the claim intermittently and on a very small scale. It is now under new ownership which will produce larger quantities of this unique, attractive, and high quality turquoise for the first time.


Blue Moon ranges in color from white to light blue and is most often matrixed with small to large chunks of black chert and occasionally with small patches of tan limonite. Some spectacular and unique black spiderwebbed material is occasionally found with thick, black spiderweb lines as opposed to the fine chert spider-webbing found in other mines. Also rare and interesting are the occasional white or very pale blue stones with dark blue irregular stain lines reminiscent of some of the material from Turquoise Mountain. Blue Moon is very hard, high quality turquoise and is very collectable but was never produced in sufficient quantity to create a following among jewelry makers and collectors. As a result, it continues to be priced significantly lower than more popular turquoise of similar quality and beauty. Hence it may be considered to be an underrated turquoise mine..


At an elevation of 5,300 feet above sea level the mine is only worked during the more temperate seasons of the year. This mine Produces a light to medium Blue Turquoise, and the high-grade is a darker blue. It runs in a black chert or brown host rock.



Blue Thunder Mine

An exceptionally fine and beautiful turquoise. Intense, vivid blue interspersed with amazing Redish/Brown matrix in a very intricate spiderweb pattern. This Blue Thunder turquoise with was found in very minimal quantity in the early 1980’s and is very seldom seen today. It is highly sought after by high end contemporary jewelers and collectors, and are rarely available.



Blue Warrior Mine

The Blue Warrior mine produces a beautiful mid to deep blue turquoise with a tight spiderweb matrix. Nice hard material. This is some of the funkiest rock, the turquoise at This mine was formed in lava rock. The mine also produces a combination of turquoise and Chrysocolla in the same rock.



Blue Wind Mine

Probably one of the finest, most unknown Nevada spiderwebs ever. There was very little of This stone to come out, we only had it offered to us once, even though we offered to buy all that they could produce! Deep blue with a black spiderweb. We consider This spider web second only to Lander Blue! This was another of Cutler Edgars mines.



Broken Arrow Mine

The Broken Arrow Mine is located in the Candelaria Mining District of Nevada outside of Mina. The Broken Arrow claims belong to the Otteson's. What has come out of the Broken Arrow thus far is a blue and emerald green spiderweb and clear Turquoise and Varascite, some call Variquoise. The emerald green variscite is absolutely stunning, it looks like forest green emerald or jade. Some of the finest variscite we have ever seen. Some of the turquoise they are pulling out looks like old fox, the good stuff.



Broken Bow Mine

The Broken Bow claim belongs to the Otteson's and at This time is undeveloped. The claim sits on the back side of the hills the White Creek mine is located on. These guys are so busy right now it will probably be sometime before they get to producing this commercially if ever.



Candelaria Mine

Candelaria Turquoise Candelaria Turquoise Candelaria Turquoise Candelaria Turquoise

Candelaria turquoise is among the finest ever mined in the state of Nevada. The top quality Candelaria cabochons are dark blue with highly concentrated fine black or interlaced dark red spider-webbing. Candelaria cabs of this quality are among the most expensive on the market and usually end up in very high end jewelry.


The Candelaria mine was purchased along with adjacent property and converted into a gold mine. Ever a nuisance to metal mining operations, the turquoise was mostly ignored while the mine management concentrated on the expensive mining of gold. Little turquoise was sold by the mine and a little more was taken surreptitiously from the dump at night until the area containing the turquoise was finally covered up by tons of dirt and rock. No new turquoise has been available from the Candelaria mine in some time. The Candelaria turquoise on the market comes from recently cut stashes of rough. As a result of the bright deep blue color and pleasing tan to black webbing and the resulting demand which far outstrips supply, better quality Candelaria cabs are relatively expensive.



Carico Lake Mine

Carico Lake Turquoise Carico Lake Turquoise

The Carico Lake mine is one of the largest producing mines in Nevada. It produces a large amount of chalcosiderite and veriscite along with turquoise and is particularly collectible at this time due to its unique appearance and the fact that it is produced in sufficient quantities to be widely marketed. Its wide market acceptance, particularly in jewelry, has provided the basis for its relatively high prices compared to other attractive, high quality stones from other less widely known mines. Carico Lake is famous for its fossilized clams which were produced as turquoise solution slowly displaced the clam’s organic material and took on its shape.


Carico Lake turquoise is most abundantly found in nugget form which enables the cutting of much higher domed cabochons than the turquoise found in thin veinlets. The nuggets are covered in light tan host rock which consists primarily of limonite. While clear material is found, the vast majority of finished stones are uniquely webbed with the limonite host rock material. Colors range from pale to dark blue and from pale green to a dark military green. Among the green Carico Lake stones are sometimes seen a bright green which is almost neon in appearance. The market has deemed this rare neon green to be the most valuable, with the dark green and deep blues also in high demand. As is common with most turquoise, the pale colors are less valuable than the saturated deep colored stones.







Carlin Turquoise

This mine is located in the northeast part of the state. A very small mine. This mine hasn't seen any activity in many years, except for old stashes, you won't find any of This turquoise anymore. Beautiful Clarity! Alot of this stuff is really gel type.. like gem silica.



Colorback Mines I & II

This Nevada mine Produces a beautifully white tight black spiderwebbed Chalcociderite as well as a gorgeous green and rare blue Varascite with a black or brown matrix. It is excellent cutting material, almost now waste. The Colorback mine I or in the old days Turquoise Boy mine is one half mile north of the Badger mine and 3.5 miles North-Northwest of Tenabo near Crescent Valley, Nevada. Turquoise is associated with an opalized sill that dips intruding black chert. The chert adjacent to the sill is brecciated and contains the turquoise. The Colorback II mine has Chalcosiderite and Varacite material rather than turquoise as the major find. The Chalcosiderite has a beautiful black spider web pattern with white, blue, green, yellow, or orange hues. These stones go great with red coral and turquoise or by themselves. The Variscite. is a beautiful light green with black spider or matrix throughout the stones.



Cortez Mine - FOX

Fox is on of Nevada’s most productive turquoise mines. In the 1940’s, Dowell Ward purchased the old Cortez claims and developed them using the names Fox, White Horse, Green Tree and Smith to differentiate among the colors produced in the area and to create a larger perceived share of the turquoise market. The area produces a huge amount of good quality blue, green or blue-green stone with a distinctive matrix. Most of This turquoise that we have cut has been a light to medium blue with a dark color of green of blue spiderweb.



Crow Springs Mine

Crow Springs, also known as Blue Bird, was discovered in 1909 near Tonopah, Nevada. This mine produces a nice blue/green mix turquoise with a blackish brown matrix. Small mine that has seen a little production as of late.



Cyprus Sierrita Mine

A small american mine located in Nevada that we don't know much about. It produces mostly a straight blue turquoise, some with small black matrix. Nice color blue.



Damele & Damaile mine

Rough Damele Turquoise Rough Damele Turquoise Damele Turquoise Damele Turquoise

The Damele & Damaile (also known as Damali) mines are located in east central Nevada near the Carico Lake mine. Damele turquoise is distinctive because of the zinc content that turns the stone yellow-green and increases its hardness. The matrix of Damele is webbed with a dark brown to black matrix. It's availability is limited because the mines are small. Due to its rare color, Damele is a collectible turquoise. The Damele mine also produces very beautiful Varasite, a beautiful, lime greenish to forest green very hard stone, most people know Damele for This stone rather then the Turquoise, and the Damaile Mine is known more for the Turquoise. Damele varascite and faustite are often misrepresented as turquoise.



Darling Darlene Mine

VERY RARE Dark Blue Nevada Turquoise from high up in the Battle Mountain Region. Only a small amount of Turquoise was produced from This mine. Some very nice high grade gem quality Turquoise.




Dry Creek Mine

The Dry Creek mine, which has also been known as the Godber and Burnham mine, is located in northeast Nevada. The mine has yielded both a pale blue and a cream white turquoise. The unusual white to light blue turquoise is very hard. The color is due to a preponderance of aluminum rather than copper in the stone's chemistry. The matrix is typically light golden or brown-gray to gray-black. White turquoise is beautiful alone in a piece of jewelry and is especially striking when juxtaposed with other colors of turquoise in a single creation.



Easter Blue Mine

Easter Blue Turquoise Easter Blue Turquoise

The Easter Blue mine is located northwest of Tonopah, Nevada inthe Royston Mining District. Discovered in 1907, the first turquoise mined here was an Easter blue color which became the name of the mine. The turquoise ore is found in thin veinlets which requires the turquoise be backed to protect the thin turquoise layer from damage during the cabbing process.


Easter Blue cabochons range in color from light blue to dark green usually with a tan to brown matrix consisting of the limonite host rock. The appearance is very similar to the stone from nearby Pilot Mountain and Royston mines but tends to have more splotches of the matrix material. The light brown matrix is reminiscent of chopped Graham crackers. Easter Blue is very rarely seen spiderwebbed. The cabs tend to be an intense and unique deep greenish-blue to bluish-green. As is the case with many small Nevada mines, it does not produce a lot of turquoise and as a result has not achieved a large market following so again the price of this turquoise indicates that it is significantly underrated considering the unique beauty of the stone.



Emerald Valley Mine

Emerald Valley Necklace
Emerald Valley Navajo Ring

Emerald Valley is in the same region as the Royston Mines and produces a deep forest green Turquoise. Sometimes the name Emerald Valley is given to deep green Turquoise from any of the mines in that area. This Turquoise is usually a very saturated green or green blue with a swirling, complicated matrix. Often confused with Turquoise from Carico Lake mine in Lander County, Nevada. Emerald Valley is used to refer to American turquoise from Nevada but is also the marketing name give to Chinese Turquoise from Maanshan, China.








Fox Mine

Fox is on of Nevada’s most productive turquoise mines. In the 1940’s, Dowell Ward purchased the old Cortez claims and developed them using the names Fox, White Horse, Green Tree and Smith to differentiate among the colors produced in the area and to create a larger perceived share of the turquoise market. The area produces a huge amount of good quality blue, green or blue-green stone with a distinctive matrix. Most of This turquoise that we have cut has been a light to medium blue with a dark color of green of blue spiderweb.



Gilbert Mine

The Gilbert Mine in Nevada produces a beautiful dark blue extremely hard turquoise in a quarts host rock. It has a dark to medium brown matrix. This turquoise almost has a Bisbee look to it if you have seen Bisbee in Quarts.



Godber/Burnham Mine

Godber Turquoise Godber Turquoise Rough Godber Turquoise

This old mine has a lot of history and has produced a lot of Turquoise. It's not too far from Austin, Nevada, which is basically right in the middle of Nevada, which is also the middle of Nowhere. Austin is in between the desert and mountainous next to a large wilderness area. the mine is a large quarry with pits and Tunnels. The best Turquoise from this mine is a deep sky blue with a light spiderweb matrix, and very hard. Sometimes the blues get deeper along the edge of the matrix increasing the eye appeal. This mine has produced some of the best sky-blue material to ever come out of Nevada mostly known for its green Turquoise. Over the years this mine has produced great variations on this theme, sometimes having dark green mixed in as well as a mottled dark matrix instead of spider-webbing. The mine has been around since the 1930s and in its first ten years reportedly produced over $100,000 worth of Turquoise. In the 1930s that was a huge amount of Turquoise.



Gold Acres Mine

A small privately owned Nevada Turquoise mine that produced very little Turquoise. We are not sure whether or not This mine is still in production. Judging on the availability we are guessing it is not. Gold Acres is some of the finest blue Turquoise we have seen. Awesome matrix, a lot of the Turquoise is multi-colored.



Halley's Comet Mine

A Nevada Turquoise that has limited production. This turquoise was lost for a number of years, and rediscovered recently by the current owner. This stone is very hard, 8 on the mohs scale. It took ten years to find This mine. Usually a light Blue with triangle pattern matrix.



Harcross Mine

Another small Nevada Turquoise Mine. Produces some very nice nevada looking turquoise medium blue to medium green. I personally do not no much about this particular turquoise mine. Would love to know more. Beautiful Stuff!



Hidden Treasure Mine

The Hidden Treasure mine is definitely as it is named. A very small mine that is tucked away in the Nevada hills. This is a rare stone to come by. This mine produces a very beautiful sky blue turquoise in a light brownish/quarts looking matrix, a lot like the Villa Grove Mine in Colorado. Nice stuff.



Indian Blue Mine

The Indian Blue Mine Produces a medium colored finely webbed turquoise. The mine produces a very fine product and is usually in a dark black chert.



Indian Mountain Mine

Indian Mountain Turquoise Indian Mountain Turquoise Indian Mountain Turquoise Indian Mountain Turquoise

The Indian Mountain mine in northeastem Nevada was discovered by a Shoshone sheepherder in 1970. Like all of the northem Nevada mines in high altitude, it was only workable during the months of May through October. In winter months, the mine was covered with 10-12 feet of snow. The Indian Mountain mine was what is called a “grass roots” mine because the turquoise was located very close to the surface — as deep as the roots of grass. Although most turquoise deposits are shallow, located within 100 feet of the surface, most mines require digging shafts and tunnels to reach the deposits. At the Indian Mountain mine, Caterpillar tractors were used to scrape off the first few feet of soil which contained most of the ore.


Although Indian Mountain was a relatively recent discovery, it is still considered a “classic” among turquoise aficionados due to the large amount of beautiful and distinctive turquoise produced from its large seam deposits. Indian Mountain turquoise is seen in an unusually wide range of colors and matrix patterns. Although the colors range from deep green to blue to white, the color Indian Mountain is famous for is its unique greenish-blue stones with fine black spider-webbing. Clear material without matrix is seldom seen as most of the turquoise is matrixed with tan, gold or black matrix. Except for some scavenging of the old site, the mine has not been worked for years as the main deposit played out long ago. It is highly collectable and is relatively rarely seen on the market. Some “looks” such as the nearly white with fine black spider-webbing command prices equal to top Number 8 and Bisbee turquoise.

Indian Mountain Turquoise Indian Mountain Turquoise Indian Mountain Turquoise Indian Mountain Turquoise



Ivanhoe Mine

The Original Ivanhoe Mine was located on one of JW Edgars 1100 Acre Mining Leases in his Nevada area and had many beautiful shades of color. This little mine produced some beautiful stuff.



Lander Blue Mine

Rita J. Hapgold, a blackjack dealer at the Nevada Club at Battle Mountain, discovered This turquoise deposit in 1973 while picnicking at Indian Creek. She collected some nuggets in a can and later claimed the site as the Mary Louise Lode Mining Claim. Later that year she sold her claim to Marvin Syme and Henry Dorian, who formed the Lander Blue Turquoise Corporation. Lander Blue was a "hat mine" so called because you could cover it with a hat, only 98 pounds of turquoise was ever recovered from it. Today This rarest of all Southwestern turquoise classics is also of the highest grade and thus, pound for pound, the most valuable turquoise in the world.







Last Chance Mine

The last chance mine is a small claim in Lander County Nevada. This mine produced mainly of deep blue and black spiderweb turquoise. Very Rare Turquoise.

Leaning Shack Mine

The Leaning Shack mine produce as light yellow to medium yellow green faustite, or to the retail customer "Yellow Turquoise". This is a small nevada mine and is rare stuff due to the small production of This material. Nice material.



Lone Mountain Mine

The Lone Mountain turquoise mine is located in Esmeralda County, Nevada. The turquoise is noted for its ability to hold its color and not fade. Usually found in nodules, Lone Mountain turquoise ranges in color from clear blue to spider-web. Because Lone Mountain turquoise holds its beautiful blue color well, it is a great addition to one's jewelry collection, lone mountain like the turquoise pictured is very rare these days, now the mine produces a light grayish blue color turquoise. Once in a while the miners will find a rare fossil that has been replaced with Lone Mountain Turquoise.



Lucky Peak Mine

Lucky Peak Turquoise is from a new deposit in Crescent Valley, Nevada. Beautiful shades of green and blue are being mined and as they get deeper in the mine the blue gets harder and darker.



Marvin Symes' Frog Skin Mine

A small Mine owned by Marvin Symes. It shows unusual and beautifully distinctive Deep Green Coloring with Black/Brown Matrix webbing.



Mastrada Mine

This mine has seen little activity over the years. This is mostly seam and vein material from what I have seen. It is a nice light color with light brown webbing. Almost looks like the dry creek material. Is Hard and takes a great shine. Another of those hard to find and rare stones.



McGinnis Mine

A very small quantity and a fair quality of McGinnis was discovered in 1930 in Nevada. This mine was one of the better known smaller turquoise mines.



Miss Moffet Mine

This is an old mine and puts out some of the best colors with tight black or brown spiderweb matrix. Although This turquoise has not been marketed much, it is some of the finest green turquoise we have seen. This mine also produce a very rare form of turquoise, Psuedomorph Clam Shells, these are prehistoric clam shells that have had parts of the dead clam replaced with turquoise. These clams are very rare and valuable.



Monte Cristo Mine

The Monte Cristo mine produced a medium blue or blue-green turquoise which has a light to medium brown matrix. A lot of This material needs to be stabilized. More info to be posted at a later date.



Montezuma Mine

Montezuma is another of the small Nevada Turquoise mines. Beautiful green and Blue/green turquoise, only small production. Very nice material! Solid, not much matrix, cuts well. A lot of This material needs to be stabilized, but what doesn't need to be stabilized is gorgeous stuff.



New Lander Mine

New Lander Turquoise New Lander Turquoise New Lander Turquoise New Lander Turquoise Rough New Lander Turquoise

The New Lander turquoise is very beautiful! Most of This material looks like Lander Blue only it is green, orange, and yellow, mostly green. It apears to be varasite or chalcociderite rather then turquoise but is marketed as turquoise, it has the beautiful clarity and depth of varascite It is being mine across the valley from the Old Lander Blue Mine.

Nevada Blue Mine

Nevada Blue Turquoise

Also known as the Nevada Persian Blue Mine. The Nevada Blue Mine produces a beautiful blue turquoise similar to Persian blue turquoise, ranging from light blue to dark blue. A lot of This material is straight blue or has little matrix. Some high-grade has a fine spiderweb matrix with dark brown colored matrix.




Number 8 Mine

Number 8 Turquoise Number 8 Turquoise

Number 8 turquoise was mined in the Lynn mining district in northern Eureka County, Nevada. It is widely considered to be among the best two or three turquoise mines in the US. The story goes that the mine was discovered in about 1925 by a barber who noticed pieces of turquoise “float” on the ground surface. Mining first began in 1929 and has changed hands several times to various men who came to establish the biggest names in turquoise mining history such as Ted Johnson, Myron Clark, Lee Hand, and the Edgar brothers. In 1950 the Edgar brothers, using a bull dozer, uncovered a deposit of some of the finest dark blue turquoise with fine black chert spider-webbing ever found in Nevada.

Most of the ore found was in the form of nuggets, one of which weighed 150 pounds. This deposit produced about 1600 pounds of the finest turquoise ever found. After this deposit was exhausted, the Edgars never found any more blue spiderwebbed material — just commercial blue with brown and green with brown matrix of host rock limonite.

A wide range of turquoise looks have been mined at Number 8 over the years. The dark blue with black spider-webbing was the finest ever found followed by light blue with black webbing. Some mostly clear with bold brown/black web lines has been found along with a large amount of blue with lots of tan limonite host rock. The better quality Number 8 was quite hard and never required stabilization. Later, many tons of softer material of light green with a lot of tan matrix was produced of which nearly all required stabilization due to the soft nature of the host rock.

Northern Lights Mine

Northern Lights Turquoise mine produced a real nice medium to dark blue turquoise, some had a red spiderweb matrix, some was a dark, almost "military green" color. This mine is located beside the Carico mine about 80 miles north of Austin , in Lander County, Nevada. Lander County has produced some of the best turquiose in the world. This mine is currently owned by Brian mason from crescent valley, and is currently not being mine.



Orvil Jack Mine

Orvil Jack a who was NOT a one armed miner discovered and developed the mine in northern Nevada that produces the turquoise that bears his name. The mining claims where the deposit is located is called the Blue Ridge in Crescent Valley. Original Orvil only sought out blue turquoise, and at This time, I have heard, he would have his helpers simply discard the greed turquoise in search of blue. The rare yellow-green color of the turquoise (Faustite and Varasite) comes from the zinc content. Mr. Jack is now deceased, but his daughter Grace continues to manage the mine. Only a small amount is now being produced, and the turquoise is considered very collectible due to its rare color and scarcity.



Paiute Mine

The Pauite turquoise mine shares a mountain with the Godber/Burnham/Drycreek mine in central Nevada. While claims at the Pauite site date back to 1974, the mine has been actively productive since 1992. The Pauite mine produces limited quantities of high-grade spider-web turquoise. It has a wide graduation of blue tone, from light to dark, with web or matrix in colors of black, orange, brown, and red. It is hard turquoise and some of the finest we have ever seen. Recently the miner (Tony Cotner) let us view some samples of his AAA+ high-grade, and it was breath taking, I would have to say it rivals Lander Blue.




Papoose is one of Nevada's well-known smaller Turquoise mines. This mine is located in the western part of Nevada and produced a small amount of beautiful blue green turquoise with a brownish matrix.



Pirate #3 Mine

Beautiful Green Nevada Turquoise. This mine is still in limited production, and is rare on the market. Here is another Nevada turquoise mine. This mine is in Esmeralda County outside of the town of Mina, in the Candelaria hills. This is a mine that goes back in history almost 100 years. This mine is mainly a producer of Gold.



Pixie Mine

The Pixie turquoise mine is in the Crescent Valley area of Nevada, near the Fox, Orville Jack, and Carico Lake mines. All these mines yield a green turquoise as well as other colors. The Pixie mine hasn't been worked until recently, sitting untouched for twenty years. Pixie turquoise is yellow to mossy green and also occurs in some blues. A gold mining company owns the claim to these mines, and eventually they will all be swallowed up by the gold mining operation, therefore, Pixie turquoise is quite collectible. The Original PIXIE MINE was mine by Doc Ingersol and another friend in the Bullion District of Lander County near the Indian creek in the Cresent Valley, Nevada area . The mine produced a very small Quantity of This Prize Winning Turquoise.



Pilot Mountain

Vintage Pilot Mountain Turquoise Bracelet

The Pilot Mountain mine is located in northern Nevada. It is still producing and is worked by the Ottesons and owned by Nevada Turquoise Company. The stone is highly admired for its deep blue-green colors. In addition, it can show light blue to dark green colors on the same stone. This graduation in color is unusual and makes the turquoise very collectible. The matrix is black to golden brown. Pilot Mountain is a hard stone and takes a good polish. Most Pilot Mountain comes in thin viens as shown on the cab to the left, but we have recently discovered some thick vein.








Prince Mine

This mine produced some awesome Variscite. as well as turquoise. The Variscite. from This mine is primarily in vein formation which is located in an area shared by the Milkyway Damaile Mine. The Variscite. when cut shows a nice strong black matrix and the green is a nice olive to dark green. But the green will run into other shades and even turn a yellow. The Turquoise however, is a medium blue in brown mud. Most of the turquoise comes in nugget or nodule form and comes from the top of the mountain the mine is on. Originally This mine was known for the turquoise.



Red Mountain Mine

Red Mountain is located in Lander County, Nevada. This mine has produced a large quantity of graded turquoise and the best Red Mountain turquoise rivals some of the high quality turquoise produced by the best mines in the Southwest. Red Mountain turquoise with its intricate often red spider web matrix is usually set in the finest gold and silver American Indian jewelry. Red Mountain spiderweb is one of the finest, only compared with Lander Blue.

Smith Black Matrix Mine

You can guess where This comes from,...Nevada. Another small mine that produces great spiderweb material. Very Rare.Very Significant Part of Nevada History coming from the original OWA claim prior to 1965. A TEXAS COLLECTOR says "It is possible that someone named Smith took over a mine and named it the Smith Mine. But I still think that something is in the back of my mind. I think one of the old families had a daughter that married a Smith and a mine with that name came from that."



Smoky Valley Mine

Another Small Nevada Mine. This mine produced a predominately medium blue Turquoise with little matrix. What matrix is in the stone was brownish black. Don't see much of This material anymore.



Stennich Mine

This mine produces awesome green shades of turquoise, ranging in color from a dark green to the very popular lime greens. The material we have seen and own was seam or vein material. Always looking for more of This material. Really neat material!



Stormy Mountain Mine

Stormy Mountain turquoise mine is located in Elko County, northeastern Nevada. Along with Blue Diamond mine, Stormy Mountain is known for producing hard, dark blue turquoise that includes a blotchy, black or brown chert matrix that resembles storm clouds. This mine is presently not active and is an extremely valuable addition to one’s collection. Another one of our favorites.



Stone Mountain Mine

A fairly new Nevada mine. This is a small mine run by just a few people, the Nevada Cassidys. It produces, deep blue to deep green turquoise with a varying degree of white, red and yellow-goldish matrix. The Cassidys claimed the mine in the early 1980's and have been hand and pick mining it ever since. They also claim that the mine produces translucent turquoise and blend colored turquoise that comes in a many different and unexpected color patterns.



Thunderbird Mine

The Thunderbird was originally owned and operated by the Mcginnis family, before they abondoned it to focus operations on the Mcginnis Turquoise mine. This mine produced primarily vein. material. It is of a medium to dark blue color with black or dark brown spiderweb or blotchy matrix. What little material was taken from This mine is gorgeous, fairly hard material.



Timberline Mine

One of Nevada's famous small mines. This mine produced a small amount of beautiful high grade medium to dark blue turquoise with thin brownish/black matrix. In the 60s, 70s, & 80s This small mine became famous, now finding This material is very rare!



Tina Gem Mine

One of the Rarest American Turquoise was the highest Turquoise mine in America, located in the Battle Mountain area of Nevada. This privately owned mine was a tiny operation and only produced a small amount of fabulous dark blue Turquoise, almost the transparency of Varascite. A very valuable stone to have in one's collection.



Tortoise Mine

The Tortoise mine is a new mine in Nevada that we own and operate in partnership with Nevada Turquoise Company. This mine produces stellar material!! We have only started on This mine (we are only 5 feet down in the pit and are finding AAA grade material! The Tortoise produces green, blue, brown, white, yellow and red material with beautiful black spiderweb. We have determined that the mint green and blue materials are Turquoise and the white material is Chalcociderite, we are currently having the other materials assayed. We have vein material, nuggets and nodules. We have pulled out several nodules the size of softballs, and a piece of vein. that is 3ft x1 3/4ft x 2 inches thick! All the materials have a hardness of between 6 and 8 on the mohs scale. When you see This material you will fall in love!



Troy Springs

An old Nevada Turquoise mine that produces a blue & green combo Turquoise with light brown matrix much like some of the Royston Turquoise. A lot of This material has to be stabilized., but what doesn't is super high-grade Owned by Nevada Turquoise Co.



Bonanza Mine

A fine Nevada Turquoise mine which produce a light to medium blue stone with a goldish brown matrix, a lot of times both green and blue in one stone. Good hard material. A lot of This turquoise comes in seam and vein. This mine was originally a Teungstun mine owned by Carl House, eventually they found This gorgeous turquoise. These claims are full of minerals. Turquoise Bonanza is now owned by Nevada Turquoise Co.



Valley Blue Mine

Valley Blue was a small Nevada mine located in the Lander County region. Located between Austin and Battle Mountain, Nevada. This mine became fairly famous for a small time mine back in the 60s and 70s. It produced a nice medium blue to dark blue Turquoise with black matrix usually in nugget form. A lot of This material was finished as semi-nugget cabs.



Verde Blue Mine

Verde blue is a newer claim for the Otteson family and has been worked very little. It forms in a soft clay and produces the most beautiful little nuggets you have ever seen. It looks like old Morenci turquoise from the 60s and 70s. Once we can rip Dean away from Royston for a while and get him over there, it ought to be great stuff!!



Windy Ridge Mine

Nevada has had an uncountable amount of mines over the years, however most were small pockets and were mined out fairly fast. Most of Nevada’s mines were small and usually mined by one person at a time. This mine sits above the Godber and Damele turquoise mines up in the mountain range behind them clear up on top, thus the name Windy ridge. Very hard stone, This has got to be the hardest material we have ever cut. Has very high silica content, This material is even harder than Candelaria. Runs primarily shades of green, but also lighter blues. Lots of chert mixed with this material had made it very difficult to mine. The veins might as well be locked up in Fort Knox. They form right in the solid granite lot of the mines the material is in decomposed chert and other rock usually very loose and fractured. But not This material. Available in small Quantities over the years.


Native Americans have been handcrafting jewelry since they first drew inspiration from their natural surroundings and transformed shell and stone into wearable jewelry. Some of the oldest discovered pieces date from over 10,000 years ago. The skilled artisans at Alltribes continue the age-old tradition and create captivating works of art that will surpass your expectations!

Alltribes is one of the rare jewelry stores that has a workshop employing Native American artists creating extraordinary pieces of jewelry. Other artists work from home or on the reservation. Alltribes Native American Art and Jewelry blends ancient history, natural beauty, and unparalleled expertise flawlessly. We are conveniently located near Scottsdale, Mesa and Phoenix, AZ in the charming town of Gilbert. Unfortunately we do not have enough staff to take walk in customers but would be more than happy to schedule an appointment to come by the shop and check out some items in person. We can also do curbside pickup if you note that during checkout.

Our Jewelry

The design and quality of our Silver and Turquoise jewelry are unmatched and stand far above the rest. Turquoise conveys a special meaning as it has for centuries and in populations across the globe. Turquoise signifies healing, spirit and good fortune. With masterful techniques, silversmiths and artists incorporate this semi-precious stone into beautiful and intricate designs, drawing customers from around the world.

You can own a piece of Native American artistry without spending a fortune. Alltribes provides deep discounts because we make most of our jewelry in house. Our in-house artists and silversmiths create custom pieces without the extra expenses.

Our Local History

Gilbert, AZ provides the ideal location for crafting our Native American jewelry. The Navajo and Hopi Indian tribes have inhabited nearby lands for many thousands of years. Their eternal respect for natural beauty and their innate talent shines through in every handcrafted work of art.

Our dazzling, Sleeping Beauty Turquoise comes from a nearby mine in Globe, AZ. This unique and exceedingly rare turquoise is renowned for its hardness, durability, and gorgeous color. Our artisans preserve the natural beauty of this precious stone, so you can admire its elegance for years to come. A hand buffed polish protects the stones and heightens its natural beauty.

Our Tradition

In addition to Native American jewelry, Alltribes upholds the ancient traditions of Native Americans by offering more than remarkable jewelry. We offer a wide variety of Native American Cultural Art including authentic Hopi Kachina dolls, pueblo pottery, Navajo Wool Rugs, hand-dyed leather belts, dreamcatchers, tomahawks and other Southwestern and Native American artifacts, to beautify your home and your life. It is our pleasure, to help spread knowledge about the Native American culture to the general public.

As part of our continuing effort to inform and inspire, we offer a vast array of in-depth knowledge for those who want to learn more about Native Americans and the Southwest. Our online knowledge center is free for all and includes some of the most interesting and complete information available online.

Alltribes has been serving our valued customers for over 50 years, so you can rest assured that when you have a question or concern, we'll be right here, ready to help. When you purchase something online today, you never know if the company will still be there, next week or next month.

Alltribes' reputation and longstanding experience ensure you get more than just jewelry – you get a wealth of seasoned knowledge and exceptional service…..that you can count on! We consider our customers to be part of our extended family and we're proud to say that our family now spans continents. We'd love to have you join us!

In addition to our local Native American products, we offer distinguished wares, sourced from Native American tribes across the U.S. Navajo, Hopi, Zuni and other Native American artists provide one-of-a-kind items that we proudly offer to you, at direct to you prices!

Alltribes is much more than just a manufacturer, store and knowledge center. We keep a jewelry workshop on site. If you want a custom design, our silversmiths will work with you to turn your dream into reality. Have an idea for something new? Talk with our artisans and discuss how to bring it to fruition. And should your beloved jewelry ever need to be repaired, we help with that, too.

Whether you're a Native American enthusiast, a collector, a designer or simply someone who loves beauty, Alltribes showcases a diverse collection of superior artifacts, sure to satisfy even the most selective customer.